SciTE PlusBar
a attached Menu bar for SciTE
I kept unnecessary redraw to a minimum, to avoid some flickering effect
I adjusted the limits to the size of the bar,
commented console output, and a general arrangement in the code
Extra cmd:
GoToHeadUrl.au3 Open the link from current line or from the script header
PSPadCompareWith.au3 Compare current script file with the given one (PSPad Text Diff)
MakeExecuteShortcut.au3 Make a executable shortcut of the given script file
ExecuteScript.au3 Send the Script to @AutoItExe
FavoriteMenu.au3 Favorite Menu for SciTE PusBar
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cmd above are included in SciTE_PlusBar_1.0.0.25
PutTxtVarFromClip.au3 Put the Clipboard text as $sTxt variable
CollorSX.au3 ShareX.exe -ColorPicker
PutSelectedInRegion.au3 Put the Selected text in a Region
CaptureMenuInfo.au3 Capture Menu Information from selected win
HelpForum.au3 Search the selected word in AutoIT forum
KodaOO.au3 Koda open & order
ShowMacros.au3 an arraydisplay with all the macro names and their values
ShowSystemMetrics.au3 an arraydisplay with all the System Metrics Parameters names and their values
Tips - instructions:
add new cmd in SciTE PlusBar (type=4, for .lnk .exe )
a good addition is the
command 'possibly used before declaration'
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