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Display all SystemMetricsParameters
;~ *********** The system metric or configuration setting to be retrieved. *********** ;~ SM_ARRANGE|56|The flags that specify how the system arranged minimized windows. ;~ SM_CLEANBOOT|67|The value that specifies how the system is started: (0 Normal boot; 1 Fail-safe boot 2 Fail-safe with network boot) ;~ SM_CMONITORS|80|The number of display monitors on a desktop. For more information, see the Remarks section in this topic. ;~ SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS|43|The number of buttons on a mouse, or zero if no mouse is installed. ;~ SM_CONVERTIBLESLATEMODE|0x2003|Reflects the state of the laptop or slate mode, 0 for Slate Mode and non-zero otherwise. ;~ SM_CXBORDER|5|The width of a window border, in pixels. This is equivalent to the SM_CXEDGE value for windows with the 3-D look. ;~ SM_CXCURSOR|13|The width of a cursor, in pixels. The system cannot create cursors of other sizes. ;~ SM_CXDLGFRAME|7|This value is the same as SM_CXFIXEDFRAME. ;~ SM_CXDOUBLECLK|36|The width of the rectangle around the location of a first click in a double-click sequence, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXDRAG|68|The number of pixels on either side of a mouse-down point that the mouse pointer can move before a drag operation begins. ;~ SM_CXEDGE|45|The width of a 3-D border, in pixels. This metric is the 3-D counterpart of SM_CXBORDER. ;~ SM_CXFIXEDFRAME|7|The thickness of the frame around the perimeter of a window that has a caption but is not sizable, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXFOCUSBORDER|83|The width of the left and right edges of the focus rectangle that the DrawFocusRect draws. This value is in pixels. Windows 2000: This value is not supported. ;~ SM_CXFRAME|32|This value is the same as SM_CXSIZEFRAME. ;~ SM_CXFULLSCREEN|16|The width of the client area for a full-screen window on the primary display monitor, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXHSCROLL|21|The width of the arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXHTHUMB|10|The width of the thumb box in a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXICON|11|The default width of an icon, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXICONSPACING|38|The width of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXMAXIMIZED|61|The default width, in pixels, of a maximized top-level window on the primary display monitor. ;~ SM_CXMAXTRACK|59|The default maximum width of a window that has a caption and sizing borders, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXMENUCHECK|71|The width of the default menu check-mark bitmap, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXMENUSIZE|54|The width of menu bar buttons, such as the child window close button that is used in the multiple document interface, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXMIN|28|The minimum width of a window, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXMINIMIZED|57|The width of a minimized window, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXMINSPACING|47|The width of a grid cell for a minimized window, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXMINTRACK|34|The minimum tracking width of a window, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXPADDEDBORDER|92|The amount of border padding for captioned windows, in pixels. Windows XP/2000: This value is not supported. ;~ SM_CXSCREEN|0|The width of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXSIZE|30|The width of a button in a window caption or title bar, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXSIZEFRAME|32|The thickness of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window that can be resized, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXSMICON|49|The recommended width of a small icon, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXSMSIZE|52|The width of small caption buttons, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN|78|The width of the virtual screen, in pixels. ;~ SM_CXVSCROLL|2|The width of a vertical scroll bar, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYBORDER|6|The height of a window border, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYCAPTION|4|The height of a caption area, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYCURSOR|14|The height of a cursor, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYDLGFRAME|8|This value is the same as SM_CYFIXEDFRAME. ;~ SM_CYDOUBLECLK|37|The height of the rectangle around the location of a first click in a double-click sequence, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYDRAG|69|The number of pixels above and below a mouse-down point that the mouse pointer can move before a drag operation begins. ;~ SM_CYEDGE|46|The height of a 3-D border, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYFIXEDFRAME|8|The thickness of the frame around the perimeter of a window that has a caption but is not sizable, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYFOCUSBORDER|84|The height of the top and bottom edges of the focus rectangle drawn by DrawFocusRect. ;~ SM_CYFRAME|33|This value is the same as SM_CYSIZEFRAME. ;~ SM_CYFULLSCREEN|17|The height of the client area for a full-screen window on the primary display monitor, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYHSCROLL|3|The height of a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYICON|12|The default height of an icon, in pixels. The LoadIcon function can load only icons with the dimensions SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON. ;~ SM_CYICONSPACING|39|The height of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYKANJIWINDOW|18|For double byte character set versions of the system, this is the height of the Kanji window at the bottom of the screen, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYMAXIMIZED|62|The default height, in pixels, of a maximized top-level window on the primary display monitor. ;~ SM_CYMAXTRACK|60|The default maximum height of a window that has a caption and sizing borders, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYMENU|15|The height of a single-line menu bar, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYMENUCHECK|72|The height of the default menu check-mark bitmap, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYMENUSIZE|55|The height of menu bar buttons, such as the child window close button that is used in the multiple document interface, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYMIN|29|The minimum height of a window, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYMINIMIZED|58|The height of a minimized window, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYMINSPACING|48|The height of a grid cell for a minimized window, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYMINTRACK|35|The minimum tracking height of a window, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYSCREEN|1|The height of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYSIZE|31|The height of a button in a window caption or title bar, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYSIZEFRAME|33|The thickness of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window that can be resized, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYSMCAPTION|51|The height of a small caption, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYSMICON|50|The recommended height of a small icon, in pixels. Small icons typically appear in window captions and in small icon view. ;~ SM_CYSMSIZE|53|The height of small caption buttons, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN|79|The height of the virtual screen, in pixels. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. ;~ SM_CYVSCROLL|20|The height of the arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar, in pixels. ;~ SM_CYVTHUMB|9|The height of the thumb box in a vertical scroll bar, in pixels. ;~ SM_DBCSENABLED|42|Nonzero if User32.dll supports DBCS; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_DEBUG|22|Nonzero if the debug version of User.exe is installed; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_DIGITIZER|94|Nonzero if the current operating system is Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 and the Tablet PC Input service is started; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_IMMENABLED|82|Nonzero if Input Method Manager/Input Method Editor features are enabled; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_MAXIMUMTOUCHES|95|Nonzero if there are digitizers in the system; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_MEDIACENTER|87|Nonzero if the current operating system is the Windows XP, Media Center Edition, 0 if not. ;~ SM_MENUDROPALIGNMENT|40|Nonzero if drop-down menus are right-aligned with the corresponding menu-bar item; 0 if the menus are left-aligned. ;~ SM_MIDEASTENABLED|74|Nonzero if the system is enabled for Hebrew and Arabic languages, 0 if not. ;~ SM_MOUSEPRESENT|19|Nonzero if a mouse is installed; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_MOUSEHORIZONTALWHEELPRESENT|91|Nonzero if a mouse with a horizontal scroll wheel is installed; otherwise 0. ;~ SM_MOUSEWHEELPRESENT|75|Nonzero if a mouse with a vertical scroll wheel is installed; otherwise 0. ;~ SM_NETWORK|63|The least significant bit is set if a network is present; otherwise, it is cleared. ;~ SM_PENWINDOWS|41|Nonzero if the Microsoft Windows for Pen computing extensions are installed; zero otherwise. ;~ SM_REMOTECONTROL|0x2001|This system metric is used in a Terminal Services environment to determine if the current Terminal Server session is being remotely controlled. ;~ SM_REMOTESESSION|0x1000|This system metric is used in a Terminal Services environment. If the calling process is associated with a Terminal Services client session, the return value is nonzero. ;~ SM_SAMEDISPLAYFORMAT|81|Nonzero if all the display monitors have the same color format, otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_SECURE|44|This system metric should be ignored; it always returns 0. ;~ SM_SERVERR2|89|The build number if the system is Windows Server 2003 R2; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_SHOWSOUNDS|70|Nonzero if the user requires an application to present information visually in situations where it would otherwise present the information only in audible form; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_SHUTTINGDOWN|0x2000|Nonzero if the current session is shutting down; otherwise, 0. Windows 2000: This value is not supported. ;~ SM_SLOWMACHINE|73|Nonzero if the computer has a low-end (slow) processor; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_STARTER|88|Nonzero if the current operating system is Windows 7 Starter Edition, Windows Vista Starter, or Windows XP Starter Edition; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_SWAPBUTTON|23|Nonzero if the meanings of the left and right mouse buttons are swapped; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_SYSTEMDOCKED|0x2004|Reflects the state of the docking mode, 0 for Undocked Mode and non-zero otherwise. ;~ SM_TABLETPC|86|Nonzero if the current operating system is the Windows XP Tablet PC edition or if the current operating system is Windows Vista or Windows 7 and the Tablet PC Input service is started; otherwise, 0. ;~ SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN|76|The coordinates for the left side of the virtual screen. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. ;~ SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN|77|The coordinates for the top of the virtual screen. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. ;~ *********** DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BEFORE THIS LINE *********** ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <WinAPISys.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> Local $ParArray = _SystemMetricsParametersToArray() For $i = 1 To $ParArray[0][0] $ParArray[$i][2] = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics($ParArray[$i][0]) ; Main Returned Value Next _ArrayDisplay($ParArray, "_WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics") Func _SystemMetricsParametersToArray() ; Read the current script file into an array using the filepath. Local $aArray = FileReadToArray(@ScriptFullPath) Local $iLineCount = @extended Local $Parray[1][4], $index = 0 $Parray[0][0] = $index ; "Value" $Parray[0][1] = "Name" $Parray[0][2] = "Main" $Parray[0][3] = "Tip" If @error Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "There was an error reading the file. @error: " & @error) ; An error occurred reading the current script file. Else For $i = 1 To $iLineCount - 1 ;first line skipet If StringLeft($aArray[$i], 6) = ";~ SM_" Then Local $TrimedString = StringTrimLeft($aArray[$i], 3) ;ConsoleWrite("$TrimedString=" & $TrimedString & @CRLF) Local $Col = StringSplit($TrimedString, "|") If $Col[0] < 3 Then ExitLoop ReDim $Parray[UBound($Parray) + 1][4] $index = $Parray[0][0] $index += 1 $Parray[0][0] = $index ; cnt $Parray[$index][0] = $Col[2] ; Value $Parray[$index][1] = $Col[1] ; Name $Parray[$index][2] = " - " ; Main $Parray[$index][3] = $Col[3] ; Tip Else ConsoleWrite("--> ExitLoop in line: " & 1 + $i & @CRLF) ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $Parray EndIf EndFunc ;==>_SystemMetricsParametersToArray
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